



Professor Oladosu Ojengbede is a Consultant in Obstetrics/Gynaecology and the Director of the Center for Population and Reproductive Health at the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan. In the past 8 years, Professor Ojengbede has been engaged in research into a number of interventional studies for reducing maternal/neonatal morbidity and mortality such as Social Support in labour, management of postpartum hemorrhage using non-pneumatic antishock garment. He has served as the lead for the Multicenter Family Health and Wealth study funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Institute at the John Hopkins University Baltimore USA. He has also contributed to improvement of women’s health by serving as the local PI to many cancer-related researches.

He has worked in collaboration with the University of Chicago on NIH, Fogarty International Center funded grants such as D43 training program titled, “International Partnership for Interdisciplinary Research Training in Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases and Disorders Across the Lifespan. He is also currently part of the team working on the research titled “Breast Cancer among the Women of African Origin” with a hope of developing a personalised treatment for African women living with cancers.

 In 2017, he won the Distinguished Award of Excellence in Clinical Services Efforts to improve the health of women in Nigeria. His core competencies include: teaching, mentoring, career counseling, developing new core curriculum, developing novel research ideas and following through. He has held many important positions and received awards, some of which include Acting Vice-Chancellor, University of Ibadan between 1995 and 1996, UNFPA award, Outstanding Contribution in the Fight against Fistula, 2014 and Outstanding Contributions to Research and Innovation, University College Hospital, 2016. With his over 200 publications and articles, he has remarkably contributed to the development of translational and interdisciplinary researches in the country through the development of new areas of research and training in different cross-cutting areas.