

The objectives of the UI-Research Foundation will be achieved through collective participation of the staff and support of the university leadership. Efforts will be devoted to maintain and enhance collaborations with international and regional agencies, institutions and global initiatives that provide research grants, training and capacity building in areas relevant to the mission of the University of Ibadan.

The Foundation will prepare comprehensive and detailed work plans with timelines and deliverables for each of the objectives following comprehensive consultations and active engagement of the faculty and staff of the University.  The implementation of the work plans after approval by the University will be linked to global proactive initiatives. Active collaborations and engagement will be established with institutions and investigators in Brazil, China, Thailand, Tunisia as well as traditional partners in Europe and North America. Particular focus will be on south-south collaborations to build on lessons learnt and best practices that work in areas of limited resources. The purpose of the collaborations and partnerships will be emphasized as mainly to seek access to novel research and technologies, to professional faculty and staff development opportunities through exchanges, visits, sojourns. The UI-Research Foundation will also seek support from international institutions for project partnerships and joint funding of events and initiatives.

The staff and faculty at the University of Ibadan will be provided opportunities for research and support on their efforts to acquire expertise on new leading edge technologies to enhance their capacities to teach students and maintain high scholastic standards. The initiative will support the staff efforts to lead and translate research results to answer questions of our communities, develop new tools to improve health and actively contribute to economic development of the nation.

The initiative will assure that the information and evidence generated through research led by the staff of University of Ibadan are easily and readily accessible to state and national decision makers.  Efforts will be made to organise forum for dissemination of the information and to bring the new knowledge to attention of the leaders in order to promote evidence based policies that will positively impact health of the people and economy of Nigeria.  This will be implemented as part of a comprehensive plan to promote public private partnerships that can facilitate translation and use of research results for the health and economic development of the country.  Platforms will be created to facilitate collaborations between faculty of the university; industry; nonprofit organisations; state and national agencies to achieve these aims. It is anticipated that such public private partnerships and the new expertise of the staff of UI could result in several dividends for the nation.

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