

ThinkTank Members

A General Operations Guideline (GoG) was developed by the UI-Research Foundation for the ‘Think Tank’ following consultations and interactions with opinion leaders, decision makers, research leaders and input by a group of stakeholders convened by the Director, UI-Research Foundation. Responses of those consultations and meetings were encouraging and supportive of the need for the ‘Think Tank’. Thereafter the concept of the ‘Think Tank’ Initiative was presented at the meeting of the Board of the UI-Research Foundation held in July 2015. Members of the Board approved the concept and the GoG for creation of the national ‘Think Tank’ for translating research findings to innovations, strategies and evidence for policy as one of the underpinning strategies for UI-Research Foundation and as a contribution to the mission of the University of Ibadan – ‘to meet societal needs’. The Board of UI-Research Foundation approved the appointed of a Chairman to coordinate the launching and activities of the ‘Think Tank’ Initiative.

A General Operations Guideline (GoG) was developed by the UI-Research Foundation for the ‘Think Tank’ following consultations and interactions with opinion leaders, decision makers, research leaders and input by a group of stakeholders convened by the Director, UI-Research Foundation. Responses of those consultations and meetings were encouraging and supportive of the need for the ‘Think Tank’. Thereafter the concept of the ‘Think Tank’ Initiative was presented at the meeting of the Board of the UI-Research Foundation held in July 2015. Members of the Board approved the concept and the GoG for creation of the national ‘Think Tank’ for translating research findings to innovations, strategies and evidence for policy as one of the underpinning strategies for UI-Research Foundation and as a contribution to the mission of the University of Ibadan – ‘to meet societal needs’. The Board of UI-Research Foundation approved the appointed of a Chairman to coordinate the launching and activities of the ‘Think Tank’ Initiative.